About LEDRunner


About LEDRunner


ghost base runners

Our Mission is Fun


Our mission is to increase competitive excellence, access and longevity for kids in baseball and softball by providing an athletic intelligence tool that revolutionizes how the games are taught and learned.


Longevity – Today, the average kid quits sports by age 11 because the sport isn’t fun anymore. (The Aspen Institute’s 2019 National Youth Sports Survey). Kids tell us they have the most fun in sports they’re successful at. In baseball and softball, this means fun is linked to playmaking which requires understanding the game.  LEDRunner is a tool that facilitates and accelerates this learning by providing coaches an unprecedented tool for developing high athletic IQ in players leading to increased competitive excellence, more fun and longer engagement in athletics. 

Access – In terms of access, we believe kids also have more fun in softball and baseball when they enjoy high positional mobility. Outfield action tends to be sparse at the youngest ages which is especially challenging for short attention spans. Competitive pressures can tend to result in pigeonholed players, though. In turn, this can lead to players caught in the discouraging cycle of lacking the necessary experience to win certain positions while lacking the reps needed to gain that experience in the first place. 

LEDRunner is a mental rep amplification tool that expedites learning and drastically increase the supply of “reps” teams get during practice, freeing coaches to extend more positional opportunities to kids wanting to grow and learn at positions that excite them the most!

Excellence – We believe the longevity and access described above are simply outcomes of excellence and ultimately, competitive excellence is at the heart of LEDRunner.  

Everyone knows practice makes perfect, and so performance comes down to reps.  LEDRunner then, is most notably a rep multiplier.  LEDRunner allows coaches to set and reset virtual baserunners literally at the speed of light revolutionizing how quickly players can develop their defensive IQ.

Teams care about the quality of their practice reps too, though and LEDRunner not only multiplies mental reps (historically a tedious process), it enhances the quality of reps in two key ways.  

First, roster sizes typically limit most teams from consistently practicing with game-like pressure at all so having and endless and tireless supply of baserunners is a huge practice quality upgrade.  

Secondly, LEDRunner provides a rich feature set that facilitates player learning such as

  • Real-time baserunner speed adjustment
  • “Freezing” or re-starting all runners with a single button
  • Automatic force handling 
  • Global commanding
  • Field scale modifications


We’d like to give special thanks to our fantastic consulting team who have provided brilliant work on the project across numerous disciplines!


It’s Never Too Late to Win

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It’s Never Too Late to Win

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