Light Up Practice. Light Up the Competition.
LEDRunner is a light-based training tool for indoor facilities that helps teams accelerate their defensive excellence.
Don’t Believe The Grind
Cliché athletic commercials have shown us sweaty athletes striving at some performance brink only to be rescued by “insert your favorite sport product here.” They’ve conditioned us to believe that winning comes only by out-working, out-sweating, and out-grinding each other.
There’s no doubt that hard work is really important. But a long-standing over-emphasis on physical skills has left a massive opportunity in athletic intelligence training for teams to separate themselves from the pack dramatically.
In essence, we’re talking about baseball IQ.
Practice makes perfect, and it comes down to reps. The problem is, practicing defensive reps for baseball IQ is typically a painstakingly slow process and in 200 years of baseball, there haven’t been any breakthroughs. Until now!
LEDRunner revolutionizes how softball and baseball athletic intelligence is handed down to young players. It gives coaches a tool to set up and reset reps literally at the speed of light—freeing them to practice exponentially more scenarios with exponentially less effort. Read on to learn more!
LEDRunner – A Pre-Pitch Routine Tool
Mental preparation is critical in sports. In golf, it’s called a Pre-Shot Routine and we propose baseball should have a ‘Pre-Pitch Routine’.
If you think about it, we teach kids countless details about physical skills but when it comes to mental coaching, we often rely on generic coaching expressions like: Pay attention! Use your head! Be aware! Communicate!
On average, kids just have short attention spans, though, and struggle to stay mentally “on top of” constantly-changing game situations. This sets the need for kids to develop a Pre-Pitch Routine where LEDRunner is the perfect tool. LEDRunner let’s coaches dial up scenarios effortlessly and in rapid fashion to help kids develop strong Pre-Pitch Routines of:
- Awareness (Simply the habit of looking around!)
- Recognition (Identifying the game “situation”)
- Communication (with their teammates)
- Visualization (“What am I going to do if the ball is / is not hit to me?”)
- Location (Positional adjustment to match situations)
How It Works
LEDRunner is an indoor, light-based, athletic intelligence tool featuring…

1. LED Lighting
LEDRunner uses digital LED lighting strips with customizable colors that are perfect for simulating opposing offenses by using virtual runners. LED strips are encased in translucent protective rubber sleeves that are flexible for easy storage and handling and yet durable.

2. Base Runners
Virtual base runners can simulate an infinite combination of defensive situations dynamic actions such as advancing, retreating, tagging-up, primary & secondary leads, steals, and more.

3. Controller
Using a wireless game controller, coaches set up runners with just a few button clicks, putting runners into motion with intelligent force handling as live balls are hit. At the end of plays, they can reset runners literally at the speed of light. Or they can set up new scenarios—all for extremely efficient and productive practices.
Are short rosters hurting travel clubs?
Coaches like tidy rosters – the minimum plus 1 or 2 kids. Short rosters mean short lineups leading to better hitting and short benches leading to more playing time (and better parents!). This leaves teams practicing without baserunning pressure or using work-a-rounds involving player rotations.
Coaches tell kids to ‘Practice Like You Play,’ but practicing without baserunning pressure is hardly game-like. LEDRunner lets baseball and softball coaches consistently and easily add baserunning pressure to practices. So kids get used to dynamic and even aggressive base running pressure that gives them confidence and composure during real games.

Are short rosters hurting travel clubs?
Coaches like tidy rosters – the minimum plus 1 or 2 kids. Short rosters mean short lineups leading to better hitting and short benches leading to more playing time (and better parents!). This leaves teams practicing without baserunning pressure or using work-a-rounds involving player rotations.
Coaches tell kids all the time to ‘Practice Like You Play’ but practicing without baserunning pressure is hardly game-like. LEDRunner lets coaches consistently and easily add baserunning pressure to practices so kids get used to dynamic and even aggressive baserunning pressure that gives them confidence and composure during real games.
Baseball is an Economy
And “reps” are the currency. Limited practice time drives rep value high, putting pressure on coaches, players, and their families.

Exponentially More Reps
Lightning-fast modeling lets teams get dramatically more practice reps in.

Decreased Mistakes
By simulating game-time pressure during practice, players make fewer mistakes in games.

More Wins
Increase wins by drastically reducing damaging (not to mention embarrassing) mental mistakes.
LEDRunner empowers players to achieve a “Practice-Like-You-Play” standard.
LEDRunner is a tool for simulating offensive pressure. This prepares baseball and softball teams mentally and emotionally for game-like pressure leading to reduced mistakes. We tell kids all the time to “Practice like you play!” but we think this goes both ways and LEDRunner lets coaches effortlessly and efficiently create game-like pressure during practices that create bullet-proof skills that hold up under big moments in big games.

LEDRunner empowers players to achieve a “Practice-Like-You-Play” standard.
LEDRunner is a tool for simulating offensive pressure. This prepares baseball and softball teams mentally and emotionally for game-like pressure leading to reduced mistakes. We tell kids all the time to “Practice like you play!” but we think this goes both ways and LEDRunner lets coaches effortlessly and efficiently create game-like pressure during practices that create bullet-proof skills that hold up under big moments in big games.